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2 of pentacles tarot card

You Pulled the 2 of Pentacles Tarot Card in a Reading – Now What?

After the primal energy of the Ace of Pentacles, we come to the 2 of Pentacles, a high-energy card that reminds us of the power of balance. This card is all about coping with demands and mastering the art of juggling them all at once. Think about it. You’ve got

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups Tarot Card: What it Really Means for Love, Career, & More

It’s time to celebrate! Often a very welcome card in a Tarot reading, the 4 of Wands represents the energy of celebration, appreciation, and new beginnings. After the figure in the 3 of Wands takes the bold decision to go after their dreams, we come to the 4 of Wands,

5 of cups tarot card

You Pulled the 5 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

The 5 of Cups often shows a lone hunched figure with his back to the reader, several spilled cups surrounding him. There is a distinct air of sadness about this card, one of grief, loss, and mourning. The overall energy of the 5 of Cups is one of regret. Whilst

pile of black tart cards on a table with candles

You Pulled the Knight of Swords Tarot Card – Now What?

The second court card in the swords’ suit is the Knight of Sword, and here, we have an energy that oozes confidence, dynamics, and fearlessness. The Knight of Swords is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, he is bold, righteous, loyal, and determined. On the other, he is egotistical,

hand shuffling tarot cards with the 10 of cups shown

You Pulled the 10 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

If there is one card we love to see when reading Tarot, it’s the 10 of Cups. This card is especially welcome in love readings, and the positive and idealistic imagery that accompanies this card in many Tarot decks is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Of course,

an array of red tarot cards being spread out on a red cloth surrounded by candles

You Pulled the 3 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

The 3 of Cups appears as the third card in the Cups suit, and while its predecessor, the 2 of Cups, focused on a connection between two people, the 3 of Cups focuses on groups and how they make us feel. This is a wonderful card for friendship and community.

outstretched hand holding an ace of pentacles tarot card

You Pulled the Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card – Now What?

The first card of the Pentacles suit is the Ace. All aces represent the spark of something, the beginning of something, and that first seed that is planted that will either lead to something more or wither along the way. Aces are cards of opportunity. They are cards of creation.

the hanged man tarot card on a white table beside other blue and gold tarot cards

You Pulled the Hanged Man Tarot Card – Now What?

The 12th card of the Major Arcana is the Hanged Man, appearing right after Justice and just before the Death card. The Hanged Man is often viewed as a mysterious card in the Tarot, and it is easy to see why. In most imagery, a man hangs upside down outdoors,

four gold tarot cards on a brown wooden table with a golden candle holder and a woman's hand reaching out with a large emerald ring

You Pulled the Ace of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

If you have pulled the Ace of Cups in your reading, then love is likely in the air! This is a very welcome card to receive in any Tarot reading. It is one of the purest and most innocent cards, encompassing love in its purest form. This can be romantic

woman holding up a white tarot cared with black stars and moons and a wine glass filled with red wine behind a black and white candle

You Pulled the 2 of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

The second card of the Wands suit in the Minor Arcana is the 2 of Wands, and it is in this card we see a figure looking out into the horizon, watching the ships come in. There is a strong element of courage associated with this card. All twos indicate

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